So I had a blog. I did. Really. But little did I realize that it would be REMOVED FROM EXISTENCE BY DELETING MY OLD EMAIL!!! Grr... Anyway, here is the most recent stuff that I could take from it...
So, I'm super lame. I haven't gotten on here in over 2 weeks... Which is weird for me because I used to write almost everyday. I have turned into a working girl! Right now, I'm working at Scoreboard Sports in Bountiful, Utah. Basically, I make jerseys and sports stuff. It seems like an odd job to the uneducated person, but it's awesome! I truly can say that I love my job! And my coworkers! They're amazing, really. It makes being at work enjoyable when you can crack jokes and talk to those who are stuck in the back of the store with you. We call the pressing room (where I make the jerseys, sweatshirts, t-shirts, etc) my "dungeon." I pretty much spend 8 hours a day in there. It's really not as bad as it sounds. Again, when you're with the right people, work is awesome :)
I have been dating Bryan (see previous blog) since the day after that date. He's wonderful. I love spending time with him. We're going up to school together and we're so excited to date each other over the next while. I'm looking forward to Rexburg with him especially because right now, our work schedules keep us out so late! I work during the day, he works until 9:30 at night... Yeah. So, we spend the night time together, but that just means I'm up later than I usually am or want to be :( But, up at school, we won't have that issue because there is a possibility we could be working together! But that depends on where both of us end up when it comes to the job... Yeah, that sentence took me like 10 minutes to figure out how to make it sound right and it STILL doesn't sound right... UGH! oh well...
I keep thinking about fall semester... Amy isn't going to be there. I keep having the recurring nightmare that I won't be in Collegiate again. So many of the Collegiate Singers are off track or going on missions... I'm just... Yeah. Who knows what it's going to be like. It almost scares me.
Bryan and I were having a wonderful time together at the dinner theatre in Murray, Utah. It was a spoof on 007 and had so many mormon jokes in it, I could barely keep down my Coke. We were getting to know each other and having so much fun.
Between the 007 spoof and their Hoedown skit, the leading man came out on stage. He began to make shout outs to those who were having birthdays that night and then the audience sang to all of them.
Then, he started to call out on other people. One young man was leaving for his mission, a young lady was there for her baccalaureate party, and then he asked for those who were there celebrating an anniversary. There was one couple. Then he asked for anyone on a first date.
Bryan and I looked at each other and then both raised our hands. The man looked at us and asked our names.
"I'm Kelsey." I said.
"I'm Bryan." Bryan said after we had looked at each other.
"You don't even know your date's name..." the man said. We laughed along with the rest of the audience. "So, how did you guys meet."
I chuckled and replied, "At the singles ward." The hall filled with laughter. I was laughing just as hard, if not harder.
"Well," the leading man said, "We're all going to sing a song. It's called, 'Let Me Call You Sweetheart.' Then, our anniversary couple will kiss... Followed by our first date couple."
My face went as red as a strawberry. I could not stop laughing because I was SO EMBARRASSED. It felt like that song was 12 seconds long and then the anniversary couple were kissing. I covered my face, not sure what was going to happen. Then Bryan put one hand over my mouth and dipped me in front of the whole audience.
That was probably the best first kiss ever. :)
I'm in Utah now. Yes, my semester at Brigham Young University-Idaho is over. And it makes me terribly sad. Seriously. I miss it so much. Yet, there have already been signs of a good 7 weeks ahead of me before going back. But I still miss this last semester. It was truly amazing; the people I met, the productions I was in, Collegiate, being with my best friends... I want it all back. And I will, eventually. I just need to wait on the Lord's time. That's one things I've learned these last few days.
Anyway, back to what I was going to say before I went on my emo tangent: I'm in Utah now. Being with my sisters has been wonderful, as always. When I got here, I found out my oldest sister, her husband, and kids all came up just for the "holiday weekend" (Pioneer day-- probably the most POINTLESS holiday that is ONLY celebrated in Utah). So, there was another perk. My dad got a new job and a new car. What a blessing! This is just another proof to me that God really does know us and answers prayers and cares about His children. Because of my dad's new job, he gets to go to long trainings in Dallas... Which means my mom is coming to visit! :D I'm so super excited! I miss my mom! But I miss my dad too... Oh well! He's doing wonderful things and I'm so grateful for that!
I'm starting a little dance class in my sister's house, just to earn some money for school. I really hope it works out. So far, I have 3 students. If I can get 3 more by the end of this week, it will be SO worth it! I'm taking up to 15, but my goal is 6. I just pray this will work out.
I decided to go to the Singles Ward again out here. I look back on last summer and my experiences and I really did love the ward here. So, I went this last Sunday, ran into some old friends and made some new ones. Including... :) Yes, a guy. My sister made the comment today that I meet a guy "every 5 minutes." Yes, I meet a lot of guys, but do they work out all the time or am I interested in them right away-- NO. So, meeting a guy is not a terrible thing... But this one is REALLY CUTE! And, he goes to BYU-I. Therefore, I see this as an opportunity to make a new friend, because he's going to be at school in the fall. :) Ha! I'm brilliant!
On a more spiritual note...
I went to the Salt Lake Temple today and did baptisms. The moment I walked into the door, the spirit drove me to tears. It was so strong. The workers there were so sweet. I could feel so much while I was there, I was crying most of the time I was there. I didn't go to recieve revelation or to get answers; I went to find peace again. I found it, and I am so grateful. I'm going again before I go back to Idaho-it's a priority.
I just felt like I needed to count my blessings and see how truly amazing this semester was...
- I lived with my two best friends for half the semester
- I came back to the 83rd ward. I missed this ward so much.
- I was given the opportunity to teach Relief Society once and then was given the calling as a Gospel Doctrine teacher. (Only the BEST calling the world)
- I have almost all of my general classes done! Only about 7 classes to go!
- I'm finally starting on my major
- I finalized my major/minor. Bachelor of Arts in Music major, minor in Dance.
- I made the Collegiate Singers! ... Wow... They have truly become my family. I'm going to miss this group so much! There are 4 people graduating and 4 going on missions...
- I was able to give service every Sunday evening. The Collegiate Singers sang at The Homestead Rest Home. It was always so satisfying and such a blessing to share my testimony.
- I was able to help out Kylie. Even though she was so far away, I was able to help her out here. She came to visit and now we can be together in college.
- I sang in the CES fireside that Elder David A. Bednar spoke at.
- I sang in the devotional the President Henry B. Eyring spoke at.
- I sang in two other devotionals.
- I sang for the construction workers and was able to share my testimony with so many through songs that aren't even members of the church.
- I was given the opportunity to participate in the opera Dido and Aeneas. I was part of the courtier's chorus and it was amazing!
- I met some amazing men. They have helped me see what I want in a spouse and have become life-long friends. (The Collegiate men, my home teachers, my FHE brothers)
- I made friends with some of the most extraordinary women ever. They have truly become wonderful examples to me! (The Collegiate women, my FHE sisters)
- I have learned more about myself, my testimony, and who I can become as a daughter of God.
This semester has just been wonderful. I don't want it to end. But I only have a few more days...